Evaluation de la capacité antioxydante d'un aliment de complément à base de ressources traditionnelles : le cas de la Vamine®

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Gisèle Kafuti Makengo
Nadege Kabamba Ngombe
Paulin Mutwale
Marianne Sindic
Théophile Fundu Mbemba


The evaluation of antiradicalaire and antioxidant activities of Vamine®
and its constituants has allowed us de constate that the
the evaluation of the anti-free radical and antioxidant activity of Vamine®
and its constituents, allowed us to note that the
capacity of trapping of the free radicals of Vamine®
is pronounced compared to the constituents evaluated separately. Indeed,
has an IC50 value at ABTS of 96.16 ± 5.47 µg / ml compared to Dioscorea bulbifera (150.44 ± 9.64 µg / ml), Corn
(150.44 ± 9.64 µg / ml), Cassava (218.27 ± 12.4 µg / ml), Voandzou (150.31 ± 4.93 µg / ml) Peanuts (338.06 ± 133.59 µg /
ml) and control gallic acid (0.71 ± 0.08 µg / ml). In view of these results, we can assume that the trapping capacity of
comes from the synergy obtained from the mixture of different constituents. The analysis carried out with the radical
DPPH did not show good values of IC50 this could be explained by the fact that for the reactions with DPPH, only the polar
molecules react while the reactions with the radical ABTS relate to the polar molecules and nonpolar.

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