Epidemio-clinical profile of sickle cell disease and prediction of pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties of drugs used in its management at the Mixed Medicine and SS Anemia Center (Kinshasa, DR Congo)
Main Article Content
Sickle cell disease or SS anaemia is the most common haemoglobinopathy in the world and is a major public health problem in endemic
regions. The aim of the present study was to conduct a survey in a specialised centre in order to evaluate the cost of care, to identify the
infectious diseases associated with sickle cell disease and the drugs used to combat them and then to predict the pharmacokinetic and
toxicological properties of these drugs and of the phyto-markers contained in Lippia multiflora, a plant used in the alternative management of
this haemoglobinopathy. This study shows that the female sex is more numerous than the male sex (54.5% vs. 45.5%); the 6-15 year age
group is predominant (81%); the major complications noted are sepsis (62%); broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed for 87.5% while
antimalarials are prescribed for 47.0%; the cost of care for sickle cell disease patients is estimated at more than 100 USD (˃200. 000 CDF) for
52.5% of patients for each crisis; the management of sickle cell disease by traditional medicine combined with modern medicine, particularly
the combination of plant extracts with antibiotics, represents a risk of drug interaction for patients. It is therefore desirable that further studies
be conducted on the antibacterial activity of Lippia multiflora to verify whether this plant is not endowed with intrinsic activity against the
bacteria associated with sickle cell disease.
Article Details
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