Effect of acid activation on adsorption properties of some clay materials from South-East of the Democratic Republic of Congo
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The effect of acid activation of some clay materials in the South-East of the Democratic Republic of Congo was studied, in
the interest of considering the substitution of imported clays as adsorbents. Depending on abundance, type of supporting soil
and accessibility in this region, six clay materials were chosen including two taken from the montmorillonite-rich soils
(Malambwe and Kasenga), one from the kaolinite-rich soil (Kazembe) and three others (Lufira, Kalubwe, and Kyowelo) taken
from soils with equivalent proportions of montmorillonite and kaolinite. Acid concentration, time, temperature and
impregnation ratio were studied during activation for which the effect was evaluated by the cation exchange capacity (CEC)
after contact with a solution of methylene blue as adsorbate. The results showed that activation did not significantly improve
the adsorbent power with increases in CEC which barely exceeded 30% with the exception of the Kazembe sample which
gave an increase of 50%. Clay materials can therefore be used without prior activation and remain competitive in this case the
samples rich in montmorillonite which gave the best CEC values of 110 mmol/100g for Malambwe and 82 mmol/100g for
Kasenga, the others having values less than 73 mmol/100g. However, these performances remain slightly lower than those of
imported clays which gave 143 and 119 mmol/100g respectively for Bentonite and Tonsil
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