Survey on the socio-environmental impact of wood use and remediation strategies in households of Kisangani city (Tshopo province) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Pierrot Mbikay Kadima
Maurice Ngemale Dongbo Songo-ma-Gbulu
Virginie Musenga Tshiey
Alphonse Matand Twileng
Célestin Kadima Kamunukamba


This study aimed to assess the socio-environmental impact of wood use in households in Kisangani, Tshopo Province, 
Democratic Republic of the Congo. Additionally, it sought to identify and analyze remediation strategies that could mitigate 
these impacts. The study aimed to understand current household practices regarding wood use, with the goal of proposing 
recommendations for a more sustainable utilization of forest resources. The findings indicate that wood use has negative 
externalities in Kisangani households, contributing to health issues such as pneumonia, irritation of ocular surfaces (allergic 
conjunctivitis), bronchopneumonia, as well as deforestation, loss of non-timber forest products, climate change, etc. In 
conclusion, this study emphasizes the necessity of adopting sustainable remediation strategies. The results underscore the 
urgency of raising awareness within the community about responsible forest management practices and promoting the use of 
ecological alternatives. Collaborative efforts involving local authorities, NGOs, and the local population are essential to 
preserve the environment while meeting household energy needs.

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