Prospect of lasting peace in non international conflict eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: choice between the military option and the diplomatic option towards the rebels of the May 23 movement
Main Article Content
The Democratic Republic of Congo does not need expertise of a any foreign army, and especially neighboring countries to
bring peace and securty in its national territory; especially to neutralize the rebels of the May 23 movemengt. All it lacks is
the political will for which we will not stop pleading for the purpose of guaranteeing our armed forces the best living and
working conditions.It has an army made up of real daughters and sons, well organized and dedicated to the defense of the
country, until the supreme sacrifice and the definitive return of peace. To achieve this, our army requires only one thing: the
necessary equipment and decent traiment.Somme of these armed self-defense groups are ready to surrender and lay down
their arms, provided that a good policy of disarmament, demobilization and reitegration is applied to them and that their
elements are taken care of in a holistic manner. And this work does not require the presence of foreign armies on Congolese
soil, on the contrary a national consciousness focused on lasting peace by favoring Democracy, good governance and the rule
of law in the true sense of the term.
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