mapct of the insurance sector on socio-economic life in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Léon Kongolo Mwanza
Clémentine Mbumba Masunda
Delphine Mwanda Nzambi Luboya


The economic development of a nation is a business of everyone, however, everyone is not held to play a role everywhere,
reason for which there is a regulator of the economic sector which is the executive power.Under this aspect, there is also a
body having like exclusive prerogative to control and legislate in good number of the fields relating to the socio-economic life
of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Which are the points strong and weak life insurances socio-economic in Democratic Republic of Congo? Our object of study
is to examine and analyze the sector of insurance in Democratic Republic of Congo, devoted by law N 15/006 of March 17,
2015 bearing code of the Insurances, after the liberalization of this sector by law N 08/007 of 07 July 2008, bearing general
provision relating to privatization and the transformation of the public companies into commercial companies: the exegetic
method and the legistic technique are our instruments of work.

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