Socio-economic survey and antisickling activity of Gambia tea (Lippia multiflora Moldenke, Verbenaceae) in Western Democratic Republic of the Congo
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The aim of this work was to evaluate the economic potential of Lippia multiflora leaves in the western part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, from harvesting to sale, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to evaluate the in vitro antisickling activity of the aqueous extract. To this end, a survey was carried out among the population composed of farmers and vendors involved in the harvesting and sale of L. multiflora respectively, using the snowball sampling technique. Microsoft Excel version 2010, SPSS version 20 and Origin version 8.5 Pro were used for data processing and analysis. Evaluation of in vitro anti-sickle cell activity was performed using the Emmel test. The results showed that L. multiflora is a source of income for both rural and urban population with an income of more than 300,000 CDF (150 USD) being spent on education and health. In vitro experiments indicated a high rate of sickle cell normalization. In view of these results, the domestication of this plant in some agro-ecological regions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is highly desirable. In addition, it would also be desirable for the agro-food and pharmaceutical industries to take an interest in this sector.
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