[Anatomical and Clinical Profile of Thyroid Diseases at the University Clinics of Kinshasa from 1989 to 2009
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The aim of this study is to carried out a descriptive and retrospective study of 167 selected cases of thyroid pathologies diagnosed between 1989 and 2009 at the pathological anatomy service of the university clinics of Kinshasa, with as a variable, we retained the relative frequency of thyroid pathology by compared to all biopsies from that period, gender and age. We selected 167 cases of thyroid pathologies diagnosed between 1989 and 2009 at the pathological anatomy service of the Kinshasa university clinics out of 22,474 biopsies. This study shows that thyroid pathologies represented 0.7% of biopsies. The 31-40 age group accounted for 23% of cases; the female sex represented 81% of cases; uncomplicated goiter constituted 47.93% of cases, adenoma represented 8.38% and carcinoma represented 7.78% of all thyroid tumors. Thyroid pathology represented 0.74% of all biopsies, so it is less frequent with a female predominance at 81.44%; affecting many young people between 31 - 40 years old. Simple goiter constituted 47.93% of cases, adenoma represented 8.38% and carcinoma represented 7.78% of all thyroid tumors.
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