Sexual behaviour and unwanted pregnancies in schools-Uvira city: KAP study Nuru and Zawadi ya Raisi institutes in Uvira
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The purpose of this work is to know the causes responsible for the incidence of unwanted pregnancies in schools. On the one hand, it is a question here of determining the level of knowledge of secondary school students in the city of Uvira on sexual and reproductive health, discovering risky sexual attitudes and behaviors but also determining their level of use of methods prevention of unwanted pregnancies. This is a cross-sectional descriptive study covering the period from September 2010 to June 2011. The study focused on 110 students from the 1st to 6th secondary years of the Nuru and Zawadi ya Raisi institutes in Uvira. It appears from this study that 72.8% know the menstrual cycle and its meaning; 63.5% know the average length of the menstrual cycle and 91% claim to know is that unwanted pregnancy. The fertile period is ignored by young people at 54%. As for knowledge of contraception, 73% of young people have no knowledge of contraceptives apart from the definition of this concept, while 79% of respondents claim to be sexually active, and of these 63% confirm that they are not have never used any contraceptive method. Faced with this low level of knowledge among young people, and their risky sexual practices, joint action by parents, the health system and the education system is necessary in order to considerably reduce the extent of this phenomenon, for fear of seeing all schooling efforts.
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