Early hope of Patrice Emery Lumumba

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Achille Musantu Mbutamene


The transfer of Patrice Emery Lumumba to Katanga was organized by the Congolese authorities in Léopoldville. To do this,
they have benefited from the support of Belgian government authorities, and more specifically African affairs collaborators
and their collaborators. Belgian advisers stationed in Leopoldville helped organize the transfer. There is no document or
testimony that research has revealed that the Belgian government or any of its members ordered the physical elimination of
Patrice Emery Lumumba. It does not emerge from the investigation that there was premeditation to assassinate or have
Lumumba assassinated by the Heads of the Belgian authorities when they attempted to have him transferred to Katanga.
However, it is clear that the government did not care about Lumumba's physical integrity. He viewed Patrice Emery
Lumumba's security as secondary compared to other interests. By not taking or considering the possible risks presented by the
transfer and by not asking to guarantee with regard to the physical integrity or by not even insisting that he be accorded
treatment in accordance with human dignity and a trial normal, the government showed a lack of precaution and respect with
regard to the rule of law. This leads us to conclude that certain members of the Belgian government and other Belgian actors
have a moral responsibility in the circumstances which led to the death of Patrice Emery Lumumba

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