Etudes pétrographique et minéralogique comparatives des roches phosphatées des gisements de Kanzi et de Mvuangu au Kongo Central, RD Congo Comparative petrographic and mineralogical studies of phosphate rocks from the Kanzi and Mvuangu deposits in Central Kongo, DR Congo
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The aim of the present work is to make a comparative study on the geology, petrography, mineralogy and digital mapping of
phosphate rocks from the Kanzi and Mvuangu deposits. The polarised light petrographic microscope and QGIS version 3.6
software were used. The results obtained from the field data and laboratory analyses indicate that petrographically, the Kanzi
rock has a micrograined (chalcedony) and grained structure, whereas the Mvuangu rock is essentially composed of quartz
grains and pebbles. Mineralogically, these rocks consist mainly of collophanite but also hematite, kaonite and illite. The
development of these phosphate rocks through the creation of a local industry for the production of phosphate fertilisers,
given the importance of these deposits, would boost the development of agriculture in the Democratic Republic of Congo and
the sub-region, while contributing to job creation, given that mining is one of the main sources of formal employment in
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