Stress at work among administrative agents in Higher and University Institutions of the city of Uvira, Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Derrick Bushobole Akiba
Elie Nakalali Ndambara
Nicola Mihuhi Rusati
Saili Stay Mushobekwa
Bontemps Byakujoga Rugema
Antoinette Mukandja
Aimerance Aksanti
Jacques Mutono Matongo
Esther Dina Katibula
Dorcas la douce Neema


The purpose of this study is to analyze the prevalence, the impact on performance and the stress-generating problems among
administrative agents in higher and university education institutions in the city and territory of Uvira. It is a cross-sectional
descriptive study carried out among 86 administrative agents in 3 higher education and university institutions in Uvira out of the 4 in
the city of Uvira, from March to November 2022. After analysis, all respondents claim to be informed about stress, and of all 79%
prove their good knowledge by correctly defining stress. The prevalence of stress among agents is 96.4%. Of all, in the state of stress
85.4% say they are very disturbed and therefore cannot work. At 89.2% the daily production is disturbed by the occurrence of stress
in the agent and the intellectual capacity of the stressed person does not function normally. Some main factors were identified as
causes of stress among the officers surveyed, including: at 54.2% Insufficient salary, poor working conditions comes with 26.6%,
duties related to 16.8% and others . In view of the foregoing, it is important that the government, which is the employer, revise
upwards the salaries granted to administrative staff in higher and university education, thus enabling them to meet basic needs. Thus,
the Management Committees to be able to create a favorable working climate and good collaboration and/or communication between
the hierarchy and the agents

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