Ethnobotanical survey on medicinal plants used in the Ebola river basin (Abumombazi Forest Reserve) in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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Jean-Paul Ngbolua K.N.
Ruphin Djolu Djoza
Colette Masengo Ashande
Pamphile Mbenga Kele
Monizi Mawunu
Robijaona Rahelivololoniaina Baholy
Pius Mpiana Tshimankinda


The aim of this study was to inventory the medicinal plants used in the Ebola River basin in the Democratic Republic of
Congo. The majority (81.8%) of respondents were men (vs. 18.2% of women). The majority (52.9%) of respondents had
secondary education; 29.8% had primary education and almost 1.0% (0.8%) had university education. 41.3% of the
respondents are between 31-45 years of age; 29.8% of the respondents are between 18-30 years of age, 25.6% are over 45
years of age and 3.3% of the respondents are under 18 years of age. 82.6% of the respondents are married, while 17.4% are
single. For 48.8% of respondents, the household size is 5-10 persons. 38.0% have a household size of less than 5 persons,
8.3% of households have between 11-15 persons and 5.0% of households have more than 15 persons. 32 plant species (of
which five have not yet been identified) have been recorded and belong to 26 genera and 19 families. The main parts used are
the leaf (40.6%) and the root (31.3%). 96.9% of respondents use the drug in a fresh state, while only 3.1% use it in a dry state.
General pain, sexual weakness, back pain and tooth decay are the main illnesses treated by these medicinal plants. 90.6% of
the respondents believe that the patients get better after the treatment. Apart from their medicinal role, the plants inventoried
are also used in the area as fuel wood or timber. The identification of forest resources as well as their valorization and
protection is becoming an imperative duty in North Ubangi in order to contribute to its sustainable development strategies.

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