Agronomic potential of the second production cycle of banana trees installed in association with forest trees in Kinshasa, DR Congo

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Jean Christian Bangata Bitha Nyi Mbunzu
Patrick Mobambo Kitume Ngongo
Francklin Ngwibaba Ansuele
Syntyche Bitha Gende


The aim of this study is to improve banana production through the sylvo-banana approach. Specifically, this study aims to
evaluate the impact of the banana-tree association on the behavior of banana cultivars in the second production cycle. Five
banana cultivars were intercropped with non-leguminous tree species (NLFS) in a factorial design. After harvesting the
production of the first of the first cycle, the reproductive plants were removed to make room for the successor shoots; and the
evaluation of the behavior of the latter was the object of this study. The results show that the cultivar Nsikumuna performed
better in association with tree species. The cultivar Bubi, on the other hand, performed less well. As for the selected EFANL,
Maesopsis eminii Engl. was the species that stood out. This is because it positively influenced the growth and production of
the banana cultivars more than any other. Further studies are desirable to evaluate the sustainability of a silvo-banana
exploitation based on Nsikumuna and Ndongila cultivars with Maesopsis eminii Engl. as forest species.

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