Territorial Decentralization in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A New Momentum for Local Development

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Seguin Boita Loelele
Steve Nguvulu Lufuma
Ibrahim Nyembo Kalenge
Yannick Liolocha Heradi


The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a country of continental dimensions. It is not easy to administer it, territorial decentralization then imposes itself as a reassuring way to boost its development on the political, economic, social and cultural level from the base, that is to say, provinces, cities, towns and chiefdoms. It is therefore pretentious to think of providing an answer to all the expectations of the population; this is an illusion and pure demagoguery. To reach the explanation of our object of study, we made use of the legal method, which allowed us to consult works, comments and summarize conferences, which touch on our object of study as well as the documentary technique, which also served to enrich the content of our article. Thus, we say that decentralization in the Democratic Republic of Congo is faced with several problems which are political, financial, economic, social and moral. For these problems we can cite in particular, in the first place, the territorial division which requires material and financial means. But our problem is really not at this level because decentralization is already consecrated and effective; our problem is that of development influenced by decentralization.

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