Analytical study of timber exploitation in Bikoro Territory (Province of Equateur, Democratic Republic of the Congo)

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Ghislain Muntotombe Botonga
Andy Mussa Kalambayi


Logging is an economic activity, but it alters the naturel landscape and disrupts biodiversity. The aim of this study is to
identify the exploited tree species, and to examine the perceptions of the inhabitants of the environmental impact of this
exploitation. Interviews were conducted in eight villages in Bikoro Territory. Data was collected from November 2020 to
January 2021 by administering questionnaires to local resident. A total of 106 respondents took part in the study whose
average age was 40 years, 58% of respondents had an unfavorable opinion on the exploitation of wood because if often
involves the reduction/or disappearance of food animals and insects and seasonal disturbance.

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